Asian Board Directors Roundtable Series: Asian Directors on Global Boards

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Portrait of Anupama Puranik, leadership advisor at Russell Reynolds Associates
Portrait of Adelin Choy, leadership advisor at Russell Reynolds Associates
Portrait of Alvin Chiang, leadership advisor at Russell Reynolds Associates
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APAC roundtable series to discuss learnings from an Asian board director's perspective on advancing greater representation of Asian directors global boards.
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As the world is increasingly looking at Asian leadership on global boards, Russell Reynolds takes a closer look at how this is playing out. We would love to share our findings and look forward to your perspectives at a roundtable to understand what is working and what needs to change to increase the representation of Asian directors from Asia.

Russell Reynolds Associates will facilitate a series of roundtable discussions across APAC to share our insights, anecdotes, and learnings from an Asian board director's perspective on how we can advance greater representation of Asian directors from Asia on global boards. This will be a confidential session with topics around the challenges in getting onto these boards, and the prospective opportunities that come with it.

The session will take place in Singapore on 1 June, and in Hong Kong on 6 June. The sessions will be hosted by Anupama Puranik, Adelin Choy, Alvin Chiang, Cyril Chong and Shoon Lim.


Contact us to register your interest in attending future events.