MSA Compliance

Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement


This statement is made by Russell Reynolds Associates Limited ("RRA") in accordance with section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and covers the financial year 2022.

1. Background

RRA provides leadership advisory services - including executive search, executive assessment, CEO succession, board evaluation, corporate governance, and more. We are truly global with experienced consultants across 46 offices worldwide. In the UK, we employ approximately 250 staff. Our workforce comprises predominantly highly skilled professionals and as such is at low risk of modern slavery and human trafficking.

We have reviewed our supply chain and consider that the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking remain relatively low. Our supply chain is made up of professional services organizations, information technology services companies, cleaning, and some minor catering facilities. We acknowledge that we must remain vigilant to the risks and ensure as far as is reasonably possible that modern slavery and human trafficking does not take place in our organisation or supply chain.

2. Statement and policies

RRA's parent, Russell Reynolds Associates, Inc., has developed a global Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (the “Code of Conduct) applicable to RRA and we operate to the highest standards of ethics, integrity and conduct in all our business dealings. The Code of Conduct contains a Human Rights statement which acknowledges and respects the principles set forth in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. RRA’s parent is also a signatory to the UN Global Compact. ( We endeavour to use suppliers whose values are consistent with ours and expect that they use minimum standards with respect to freely chosen employment, safe and healthy working conditions, avoiding child labour, wages, benefits and working hours. In addition, we require all suppliers to comply with the Russell Reynolds Associates Supplier Code of Conduct (the “Supplier Code of Conduct”), which incorporates the principles of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other anti-slavery and trafficking standards. The Supplier Code of Conduct is available at The 2022 Russell Reynolds Associates Sustainability Report reaffirms our global commitment to human rights and the expectations of our suppliers. The Report is available at

3. Risk assessment and due diligence processes

We have not identified any specific risk areas associated with our supply chain. We have made it clear within our global Code of Conduct and the Supplier Code of Conduct that any potential human rights abuses, which would include slavery and trafficking, should be reported in accordance with our reporting and violations guidance including via email to or via our public ethics hotline at We will, as necessary, take steps to strengthen and enhance our procurement practices and contractual arrangements with suppliers. 

4. Measuring effectiveness

During the next financial year, we will continue to assess and monitor our supply chain to ensure we are aware of any heightened risks of potential slavery and trafficking in the areas identified above. We have not received any reports of modern slavery within our business or supply chains. We will, however, remain vigilant in this area and will continue to assess any risks that might arise. To date, RRA's Legal Department has taken responsibility for compliance with the Modern Slavery Act and has assessed, drawing on the expertise of professional external advisors, the Act's obligations and the potential for slavery and trafficking occurring within our supply chain. We will continue to audit all vendor agreements to ensure that the Supplier Code of Conduct compliance requirement is incorporated by reference therein and determine whether any additional steps are necessary to combat potential modern slavery issues. We will also continue to report on our efforts and commitments in future Sustainability Reports UN Global Compact Communications on Progress.

This statement has been approved by the organization's board of directors who will review and update it annually.

Eric A. Allen
Russell Reynolds Associates Limited

Download the Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement