Why you should be thinking about CEO Succession right now

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of high-performing boards have prepared robust, thoughtful CEO succession plans.

The kind of elite CEO that will guide your company through its next era of success and stability won’t appear by sheer luck — you need to identify and develop them through a proactive CEO succession plan.

Too often, companies take a half-measure approach to CEO succession. They delay their planning process. They react to sensitivities or obstacles, rather than prepare for them. Or they prioritize headhunting rather than strategic, continuous internal development.

But for companies that do it right, CEO succession planning helps to solidify future profitability and boost morale.

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How we can help

A robust CEO succession strategy puts your company in the best possible position to succeed, but architecting that process isn’t easy.

That’s where our decades of experience come in. Russell Reynolds Associates’ team of CEO succession experts help you identify and develop the best candidates to lead your company into the future.


“The team at RRA has been an invaluable partner to the board. With their advisory input, we not only found our most recent CEO, but we have since set up a thoughtful, empathetic CEO succession planning process that will keep us focused on the development of the top team to ensure the next leader is within the business.”





Why RRA?

From responding to unplanned CEO departures to finding future-fit diverse CEO candidates, we’ve seen it all. Take a look at the examples below to see where we have helped companies navigate through complex succession plans:





What we do

We have honed our CEO succession process over decades, and know it’s so much more than a passing of the torch — it’s an engine for lasting business growth. Working with you, we minimize risk and maximize success in your CEO succession strategy. We:

Define what the future looks like
We align the board and define what your model CEO looks like, before creating blueprints around the mindsets and skills that they’ll need to succeed in a changing world.

Identify a shortlist and recommend final selection
We help whittle down the array of candidates based on your ever-evolving needs and make our final recommendation for the successor.

Find and develop your ideal candidates
We identify rising stars within your organization and create individualized development plans to bring out their best.

Implement a smooth onboarding and development process
Once you’ve chosen the next CEO, we prepare a ramp-up process to carry momentum into the final appointment.


Why you should care now

The demands of leadership are changing.

In today’s landscape of business and economic uncertainty, you need a leader with the skills and aptitudes for your business, and who can empower your company from the bottom up while navigating matters of diversity, inclusion and sustainable business.

Make the right choice and you will have a leader set to guide the business through challenging times. Make the wrong one and you’ll find yourself needing to find another replacement in a few short months.


Speak to a consultant about the first steps to CEO succession.

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