Podcast: Why Diversity Goes Beyond a Chief Diversity Officer

DEIDiversity & CultureDigital TransformationDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion AdvisoryExecutive Search
min Podcast
September 04, 2019
11 min
DEIDiversity & CultureDigital TransformationDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion AdvisoryExecutive Search


Russell Reynolds Associates Consultant Tina Shah Paikeday was interviewed by MoneyFM 89.3 radio station in Singapore in their podcast, "Why Diversity Goes Beyond a Chief Diversity Officer." To listen, click on the image below.

Against rising business profit, chief executives are finding increasing attention being paid to diversity and inclusion, so much so that it has monopolized the CEO’s meeting agenda, and taken over chief executives’ attention. But what is the Chief Diversity Officer and how do they drive change? Corporate initiatives to inject diversity and inclusion have been met with scrutiny and apprehension. We chat with Tina Shah Paikeday, who leads Russell Reynolds Associate’s Diversity & Inclusion advisory services as a member of the company’s Leadership & Succession practice, about Russell Reynolds’ Diversity and Inclusion Pulse Survey.

To listen to the podcast, click here.