Family Business Governance

Family businesses are unique in their shared values, vision, and dedication to building a legacy. But they can put their future at risk if they do not adopt proper governance and succession planning.

In a family business, relationships become intertwined with overseeing long-term wealth and creating opportunities for family members to evolve within or outside the business. This dynamic becomes more complex as the number of shareholders increases. We provide informed, objective support to help family businesses address these unique challenges.

Preserve family control

All companies face change. For family-run companies, the desire to keep control over their businesses is especially strong. The key to keeping the business in the family’s hands is having proper governance in place and selecting the most suitable leaders to succeed the current ones.

Successfully hand over the firm to the next generation

Leadership succession is complex at any company—but it is often even more so within family-run businesses. Company leaders need to have a well-thought-out succession plan in place at various levels: the family holding level, the operating companies, the family offices, and their foundations.

Safeguard the family’s value

A family business’s strength is derived from its deep roots and shared history. The other side of this coin, however, is the need to develop the business and transition from one generation to the next. Family-controlled companies at different stages of their journey have developed their own solutions to successfully solve this balancing act. We can help you address this challenge by recommending the most appropriate solution for your family’s unique story.




Family companies generate 70% of annual global GDP.

Failure rates for third- and fourth-generation family-owned companies can be as high as 80–90%.

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